{"@context":"http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2/context.json","@id":"https://repo.library.stonybrook.edu/cantaloupe/iiif/2/manifest.json","@type":"sc:Manifest","label":"Effect of borrow pits on the abundance and distribution of fishes in the Lower Bay of New York Harbor","metadata":[{"label":"dc.contributor.other","value":"Preservation Department, Stony Brook University Libraries"},{"label":"dc.description","value":"iv, 68 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references."},{"label":"dc.format","value":"Serialized Monograph"},{"label":"dc.format.medium","value":"Electronic resource"},{"label":"dc.identifier.uri","value":"http://hdl.handle.net/1951/61642"},{"label":"dc.language.iso","value":"en_US"},{"label":"dc.relation.ispartofseries","value":"Special report (State University of New York at Stony Brook. Marine Sciences Research Center);64"},{"label":"dc.rights","value":"Stony Brook University"},{"label":"dc.subject","value":"National Sea Grant Program -- New York Sea Grant Institute."},{"label":"dcterms.contributor","value":"Bubolo, Nicole Justine"},{"label":"dcterms.dateAccepted","value":"2013-08-06T15:12:56Z"},{"label":"dcterms.dateSubmitted","value":"2013-08-06T15:12:56Z"},{"label":"dcterms.description","value":"from the abstract, \"A finfish survey was done on a monthly basis by trawling at three sites in the Lower Bay of New York Harbor. Two of these sites were within borrow pits that had been excavated in the bay floor by subaqueous sand mining operations and one of these was a control site on a nearby sandy shoal that was probably typical of\nthe original pre-mined habitat. The gut contents of winter flounder at each site were also examined. Both the abundance of fishes and the diet of winter flounder were similar at the two pit sites, but differed at the shoal site. Fish catches on the sandy shoal were lower than at the borrow pit sites. Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and benthic food sources were considered, but none of these parameters alone seemed to control\nthe fish populations in the pits. Since both the pit sites had muddy bottoms while the shoal site had a sandy bottom, substrate characteristics may explain why the catches at the pit sites were similar and generally higher than catches at the shoal site.\""},{"label":"dcterms.isFormatOf","value":"Conover, D. Effect of borrow pits on the abundance and distribution of fishes in the Lower Bay of New York Harbor / by D. Conover, R. Cerrato, H. Bokuniewicz. Stony Brook, N.Y. : Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, [1985]"},{"label":"dcterms.issued","value":"1985-12"},{"label":"dcterms.provenance","value":"The works contained within this collection are the final products of a joint collaboration between the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SOMAS); the MASIC Library and the Preservation Department. The project was conducted during the winter through summer 2013 academic semesters, and its focus was to convert older, archival records generated by SOMAS and maintained within the University Libraries to accessible, electronic resources in support of research and learning. All works are based on the original, analog (paper) records as released by SOMAS, except where born digital only records have been loaded to the system. All works have been preserved for historic purposes, please see the Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Library for assistance in viewing the analog originals upon which this project is based."},{"label":"dcterms.publisher","value":"Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University"},{"label":"dcterms.title","value":"Effect of borrow pits on the abundance and distribution of fishes in the Lower Bay of New York Harbor"}],"description":"This manifest was generated dynamically","viewingDirection":"left-to-right","sequences":[{"@type":"sc:Sequence","canvases":[{"@id":"https://repo.library.stonybrook.edu/cantaloupe/iiif/2/canvas/page-1.json","@type":"sc:Canvas","label":"Page 1","height":1650,"width":1275,"images":[{"@type":"oa:Annotation","motivation":"sc:painting","resource":{"@id":"https://repo.library.stonybrook.edu/cantaloupe/iiif/2/64%2F11%2F43%2F64114378675906164577239114653253249497/full/full/0/default.jpg","@type":"dctypes:Image","format":"image/jpeg","height":1650,"width":1275,"service":{"@context":"http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json","@id":"https://repo.library.stonybrook.edu/cantaloupe/iiif/2/64%2F11%2F43%2F64114378675906164577239114653253249497","profile":"http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level2.json"}},"on":"https://repo.library.stonybrook.edu/cantaloupe/iiif/2/canvas/page-1.json"}]}]}]}